In this gallery is presented a just short range of heraldic designs and products made in cooperation with Mladen Stojić, Heraldic art d.o.o. Rijeka, Croatia.
Hand painted family crests designs for personal needs and heraldic exhibitions , seals designs, coats of arms reliefs, production of flags and flag designs, hand painted wooden or metallic heraldic shields, decorative family trees production or simply family crests designs can be done and ordered.
For further information about heraldic products and offer please contact me or visit:
Galerija prikazuje tek mali raspon ponude heraldičkih aplikacija izvedenih u suradnji s Mladenom Stojićem u okviru tvrtke Heraldic art d.o.o. Rijeka.
Moguće je naručiti dizajn obiteljskog grba, rukom oslikane grbove, izradu svečanih pečata, reljefa grbova, zastava, ručno oslikanih drvenih i metalnih štitova te izradu dekorativnih obiteljskih stabala.