After logo or crest is finished, it is possible to order various souvenirs and promotion material.
- exterior or luxury flags and table flags with your logo or the crest
- T- shirts with your logo or the crest
- magnets, promotional reliefs or framed reliefs with the motive of your logo or the crest
- plaques with reliefs of the logo or the crest
- quality promotional bags with the logo or crest on it
- diplomas and seals products
Here is a short pictorial description of an offer, for more details please contact me or visit:
Nakon što je grb ili logotip izveden, moguće je naručiti različite suvenire i promotivni materijal na temu Vašeg vizualnog identiteta.
- izrada zastava za eksterijere ili posebnih svečanih zastava
- izrada majica s vašim logotipom ili grbom
- izrada magneta, promotivnih reljefa ili uokvirenih reljefa s motivom logotipa ili grba
- izrada plaketa s reljefom Vašeg logotipa ili grba
- izrada kvalitetnih promotivnih vrećica s dotiskom Vašeg logotipa ili grba
- izrada i dizajn diploma i pečata
Design by Heraldic art d.o.o. and production of the plaque with the coat of arms of the city of Rijeka, Croatia.
Dizajn i izrada plakete s grbom Grada Rijeke.
Design and production of T-shirts with your logo/crest on it.
Dizajn i izrada majica s Vašim logotipom ili grbom.
Framed relief with the coat of arms of the Rijeka city.
Uokvireni reljef s grbom Grada Rijeke.
Coat of arms design by Heraldic art d.o.o. and production of the silk flag with the coat of arms of the Rijeka city.
Dizajn grba i izrada svilene zastave s grbom Grada Rijeke.
Plaque made for the bishop.
Plaketa - rekonstrukcija biskupskog pečata.
Logo design and production of souvenir magnet for the 900 years of Frankopan family universary.
Logo dizajn i izrada magneta - suvenira povodom obljetnice 900 godina Frankopana.
Diploma and seal design by Heraldic art d.o.o..
Dizajn diplome i pečata.